Thursday, December 17, 2009



Today after dinner we watched Romero, a movie about an archbishop in El Salvador who was martyred in 1980 during a time of severe persecution of the Church in El Salvador. We actually watched this movie during our VIDES training. So we finished supper and began doing the dishes, happily chatting as usual, but Sr. Candide says "Shhhh! En silence! Vite, vite!"

She wanted us to clean up in silence so we wouldn't talk, therefore it wouldn't take as long and we could start the movie asap. Well, upon Sr. Candide's incessant shushing, everybody was stifling back tons laughter, Sr. Candide included. It turned into a huge shush fest. Anytime anybody made a noise – coughing, letting out a tinge of laughter – they got shushed. We were all laughing so much, yet trying not to let it out. And there was lots of loving mocking of Sr. Candide, who enjoyed it very much and was also laughing a lot.

These nuns are crazy.